i am: emotional. compassionate. spiritual. outgoing. friendly. determined. sarcastic. silly. analytical. afraid. forgiving. accepting. impatient. procrastinator. stubborn.
i think: wayyyy too much about what other people think.
i know: that I’m a daughter of our Heavenly Father. I know that He knows me inside and out. I know that He has a plan for me. I know that He loves me, and has always loved me. I know that no matter what He will always be there for me. I know Jesus Christ died for ME so I can be forgiven of my sins and return to my Heavenly Father.
i want: to go skydiving!
i have: the loudest laugh ever!
i dislike: tomatoes. yuck!
i miss: Little Pascal like no other.
i fear: losing another loved one.
i feel: like I’ve grown up a lot in the last year. I’ve made a complete transformation, for the better. I feel... happy with who I am and where I am at in my life.
i hear: the amazing Sara Bareilles, Gravity. She sings about things I’m feeling and going through right now.
i smell: like cotton candy :) mmmmm....
i crave: Red Mango, and Oreo’s... too bad Noelle and I are on a diet for the next month! ughh!
i usually: fight for what i want and believe in.
i search: lyrics and quotes.
i wonder: when everything is going to fall into place....
i regret: not being true to myself, for too many years.
i love: with all of my heart... i put my everything into what/who i love.
i care: about other people and their feelings. i would never intentionally hurt anyone.
i always: say JUST kidding and just saying after everything...
i worry: about EVERYTHING! i need to chillax! Yoga here i come!
i am not: perfect, or patient. but i am a good person.
i remember: everything!!!
i believe: in love! i believe in fairytale endings!
"I Believe that everything happens for a reason People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they"re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." -Marilyn Monroe
i dance: in my room, in my car, walking around campus.... i’m a dancing machine!
i sing: “love the way you lie” wayyy too much. but i love that song.
i don’t always: understand why things happen, but i have faith there is a reason it is all happening...
i argue: like a child. i’m not any good at it. i never get my point across. i’d rather just kiss and make up.
i write: on my blog... it’s my release. my journal. i can let everything out here. it’s therapeutic.
i win: people over with my laugh :)
i lose: myself in breakups.... but find myself in breakups too...
i wish: i wouldn’t react on my emotion as often as i do...
i listen: to the same song, over and over and over and over!
i don't understand: boys. never will. i give up. :)
i can usually be found: on campus. at mi casa. or with my best friend Noelle.
i am scared: ....to get my heart broken... again....
i need: to worry about myself right now.
i forget: where i put my car keys every morning.
i am happy: when i am doing what is right. CTR baby! ;)
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
i LOVE my life because....
I have a best friend that gets me.
Noelle sends me good morning texts to help me make it through the day,
knowing the mornings are the hardest time for me.
My family is somewhat dysfunctional, but they love me no matter what.
Kalai is apart of my life.
I don't know how I lived without his music before.
Oreo's are my go to snack. Morning. Afternoon. Night.
Mountain Dew is always in stock in my house.
Thank you Katie and Travis.
I FINALLY live in a stable environment.
Katie and Amy are always willing to listen to my "drama"
I have the gospel in my life... again..
I know who I am.
Where I'm going.
What I want.
Summer 2010 is one I'll never forget: falling in love, Cabo, parasailing, snorkeling, boating, wakeboarding, hiking, Seven Peaks, Yellowstone, Bear Lake, Vegas, unforgettable pictures, the drive-in, golfing, swimming, softball, soccer, new friendships, rekindled old friendships, D, getting back into church.
Sydney and Kaylee.
My two beautiful sisters.
I wouldn't know how to love unconditionally if it wasn't for those two.
My Dad has the same exact sense of humor as I do and we can laugh for hours.
I have the best cousins in the world. I love Star and JC with all of my heart.
They are the two people I look up to the most.
Glee! Need I say more?
If only Fin would look at me the way he looks at Rachel...sigh...
I'm so grateful that I was able to learn how to truly LOVE this summer...
I know what it feels like to TRULY be in love.
To love someone more than myself.
To LOVE someone so much that their happiness comes before my own.
Some people don't get the opportunity to feel the way I felt this summer:
butterflies, fireworks, safety, happiness, forever...
I will feel it again someday...
I would rather have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all...
I know what I deserve...
and what I don't deserve...
I deserve someone who is going to love me as much as I love him.
Who isn't afraid of me.
Who will surprise me with sweet notes or flowers..
Who will surprise me with sweet notes or flowers..
Who knows what he has when he has it.
Who puts me before himself.
I'll make someone very happy one day.
I haven't had my fairtytale yet...
but I know he is out there... waiting for me.
It's almost October!
Halloween is right around the corner!
Debating between costumes at this moment.. no matter what it'll rock!
As for my birthday.. I don't want to talk about it.. 24 is depressing.
However, I still LOVE my life :)
I am a strong, independent, compassionate, outgoing, blessed young.. woman?
I don't like to call myself woman.. it's weird.. however, I technically am a woman.. I don't feel like a woman though.
More like a girl..
It's conference this weekend and I'm crossing my fingers I get tickets!
My faith in Heavenly Father is stronger than ever.
I can let go of things in my life gracefully, knowing it'll all work out.
Heavenly Father loves me.
I am going to learn how to snowboard this winter!
Thanks Noelle!
It's almost hoodie season...
7-11 hot chocolate soon...
cuddling? maybe not so much.. :)
2 more months left of the semester
I love CLS
I'm French
Lyrics and quotes complete me.
I can always find something super cute at 25th Street Boutique.
Red Mango.
Winter. Fall. Summer. Spring.
I live in a place with all four seasons.
love it.
Taylor Swift.
Sarah Bareilles.
Glee Soundtrack.
music relates to my life!
I'm very blessed.
I've gone through struggles, but I've made it through them all.
My laugh is awesome.
just sayin.
I have the best friends.
They are like my family.
I know how short life is.
Live everyday as if it's your last.
I am me.
and I like me.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
a new start.
Should people be given second, third, or fourth chances? I wouldn't be where I am today without God and the people around me willing to give me more than one chance. I was lost for almost 4 years. I ran as far away from me and everything I knew because I was angry. Angry with myself. Angry with God. Angry with my family.
Let me explain where all of this anger came from. It came from losing my cousin Pascal to suicide. Little Pascal was like my brother. He was a month older than me. We grew up together. He is in almost every childhood memory I have. He was my best friend. He was the person I vented to. He practiced softball with me. He laughed with me. He cried with me. In losing him I lost myself. It's been 4 years now and to this day it doesn't seem real. The pain is still here. I still cry about it. I still struggle with it. I've lost quite a few people I love, but nothing has hurt as much as a tragic loss from suicide.
I remember the last thing I said to him. I remember the last text he sent me which was I love you! I remember his crazy curly hair. I remember his out of control personality and laugh (sound familiar, sounds like me huh!). I was in New York working as a nanny when I had found out. I remember that Sunday like no other Sunday. I had gone to church that day. I finally felt good about being out there and not wanting to go home. I was happy. I had new friends. I was involved with church. Life was good. Little did I know my life would change drastically in less than an hour. Driving home I couldn't wait to call my mom to tell her that I was finally doing okay out there. I called her. She said, "Carissa, let me talk to the parents there." I said, "What are you talking about? Why?" She said, "I need to talk to the parents there." I was so confused. I said, "If you don't tell me I'm going to freak out!" She said with a cry, "Pascal shot himself. He's dead!" The phone call dropped. She wasn't on the other end of the line. I couldn't believe what I just heard. I called my grandma to confirm this awful news. Sure enough, my nightmare began. Within two hours I was on the way to the airport to catch a red eye home. That was the worst flight of my life.
I remember standing by his casket, looking down at his lifeless body in disbelief, praying that it was a nightmare I'd wake up from. June 25, 2006 was the worst day of my entire life. I was angry with myself because I felt like as Pascal's "rock" I wasn't here for him. I feel like I could have done more, and... I didn't. I feel like I should have seen the signs of his depression. I should have known how he was feeling. I should have been here for him. I was angry with God for taking my best friend so young. I was angry at God because someone who isn't God told me that Pascal was going to hell because he killed himself. I was angry with my family for not doing absolutely everything they could while I was in New York. They were the one's here in his last days. I was not. They should have been sensitive to his depression. They should have seen signs of suicide. His friends should have seen these signs!
It took me a long time to stop crying everyday. I didn't want to feel the pain so I took medicine to make me sleep all day, everyday. I did that for about a month before my cousin Star realized I had a problem. I felt so much pain, that I didn't think I was capable to feel anymore. I didn't think I was strong enough to go through this loss. Little did I know, all I needed to do was to turn to Heavenly Father, instead I ran as far away from him as I could.
I didn't want to be who I was, who I had always been anymore. I didn't want to go to church. I didn't pray anymore. The anger had completely taken over me. I lost all faith. I lost all hope. The one thing I've realize is that when you lose faith, hope, church, and our savior, you end up losing yourself. I dated out of the ordinary. I did things I would never have done before. Deep down I knew everything I was doing was wrong. I knew I wasn't happy. However, on the surface it seemed to make me really happy. It was only temporary happiness. Not unconditional happiness that you get from our savior, from faith, from doing what's right, from being true to who you are.
I strayed for 3 years. Knowing I was missing something. Knowing I wasn't happy. Knowing I was walking around with a cloud over my head keeping me so lost and confused about everything in life.
About seven months ago a dear friend of mine, no name needed, helped me get back on the right path. He inspired me to want to be better. To want to go to church and find God. To want to change my life. To find myself again. Almost instantly the cloud around my head changed to a light that everyone saw. I was changing for the better. For myself. Not anyone else. I am so lucky that he didn't give up on me, that my new friends and family didn't give up on me, and most of all that Heavenly Father didn't give up on me and turn his back on me like I did to him. I have received so many incredible blessings from opening my heart to my Heavenly Father. I know that my dear friend was sent to me for a reason. Without him I wouldn't be where I am. I tell him he's an angel. He will always be dear to my heart. Without him I wouldn't have met Katie and Travis Price. Katie and Travis are the most amazing people I've ever met. They are the best blessing I've ever received. I'm so lucky that they opened up their home to me. They helped me get back on the right path as well. Words can't even describe my love for this amazing family. I know what it is to live without the gospel and I know what it is to live with the gospel. Life without the gospel is no life at all. I have lost friends for making these changes, but I've gained new ones. I know who I am and what I want. I know where I'm going in life and I have faith in Heavenly Father and I know that he has a plan for me and that everything works out how it should. Every person needs to go through trials. Giving my burdens to Heavenly Father is the only way I can gracefully make it through any trial. He gives me peace. He gives me strength. He gives me hope. He gives patience. It doesn't take the pain away but knowing that everything is going to be okay and that I'm not alone makes it that much easier. I know that the atonement is real. I know that Jesus Christ suffered for me, so I could be forgiven. I know he feels what I'm feeling. I know he knows me inside and out. I know that I wouldn't be where I am without my savior. I am the luckiest girl in the world. I know I wont always understand why things happen. I have to have faith that it is all happening for a reason.
If second, third, or fourth chances weren't an option.... I wouldn't be where I am today. I am so grateful that we have such a merciful, forgiving, loving Father in Heaven. He is my everything. I'm not confused anymore. I'm not lost. I know who I am. I know what makes me happy. I know what I want from this life and what I deserve. I know that I'm a daughter of our Heavenly Father and I know that he didn't give up on me for a reason. I love him with all of my heart.
Let me explain where all of this anger came from. It came from losing my cousin Pascal to suicide. Little Pascal was like my brother. He was a month older than me. We grew up together. He is in almost every childhood memory I have. He was my best friend. He was the person I vented to. He practiced softball with me. He laughed with me. He cried with me. In losing him I lost myself. It's been 4 years now and to this day it doesn't seem real. The pain is still here. I still cry about it. I still struggle with it. I've lost quite a few people I love, but nothing has hurt as much as a tragic loss from suicide.
I remember the last thing I said to him. I remember the last text he sent me which was I love you! I remember his crazy curly hair. I remember his out of control personality and laugh (sound familiar, sounds like me huh!). I was in New York working as a nanny when I had found out. I remember that Sunday like no other Sunday. I had gone to church that day. I finally felt good about being out there and not wanting to go home. I was happy. I had new friends. I was involved with church. Life was good. Little did I know my life would change drastically in less than an hour. Driving home I couldn't wait to call my mom to tell her that I was finally doing okay out there. I called her. She said, "Carissa, let me talk to the parents there." I said, "What are you talking about? Why?" She said, "I need to talk to the parents there." I was so confused. I said, "If you don't tell me I'm going to freak out!" She said with a cry, "Pascal shot himself. He's dead!" The phone call dropped. She wasn't on the other end of the line. I couldn't believe what I just heard. I called my grandma to confirm this awful news. Sure enough, my nightmare began. Within two hours I was on the way to the airport to catch a red eye home. That was the worst flight of my life.
I remember standing by his casket, looking down at his lifeless body in disbelief, praying that it was a nightmare I'd wake up from. June 25, 2006 was the worst day of my entire life. I was angry with myself because I felt like as Pascal's "rock" I wasn't here for him. I feel like I could have done more, and... I didn't. I feel like I should have seen the signs of his depression. I should have known how he was feeling. I should have been here for him. I was angry with God for taking my best friend so young. I was angry at God because someone who isn't God told me that Pascal was going to hell because he killed himself. I was angry with my family for not doing absolutely everything they could while I was in New York. They were the one's here in his last days. I was not. They should have been sensitive to his depression. They should have seen signs of suicide. His friends should have seen these signs!
It took me a long time to stop crying everyday. I didn't want to feel the pain so I took medicine to make me sleep all day, everyday. I did that for about a month before my cousin Star realized I had a problem. I felt so much pain, that I didn't think I was capable to feel anymore. I didn't think I was strong enough to go through this loss. Little did I know, all I needed to do was to turn to Heavenly Father, instead I ran as far away from him as I could.
I didn't want to be who I was, who I had always been anymore. I didn't want to go to church. I didn't pray anymore. The anger had completely taken over me. I lost all faith. I lost all hope. The one thing I've realize is that when you lose faith, hope, church, and our savior, you end up losing yourself. I dated out of the ordinary. I did things I would never have done before. Deep down I knew everything I was doing was wrong. I knew I wasn't happy. However, on the surface it seemed to make me really happy. It was only temporary happiness. Not unconditional happiness that you get from our savior, from faith, from doing what's right, from being true to who you are.
I strayed for 3 years. Knowing I was missing something. Knowing I wasn't happy. Knowing I was walking around with a cloud over my head keeping me so lost and confused about everything in life.
About seven months ago a dear friend of mine, no name needed, helped me get back on the right path. He inspired me to want to be better. To want to go to church and find God. To want to change my life. To find myself again. Almost instantly the cloud around my head changed to a light that everyone saw. I was changing for the better. For myself. Not anyone else. I am so lucky that he didn't give up on me, that my new friends and family didn't give up on me, and most of all that Heavenly Father didn't give up on me and turn his back on me like I did to him. I have received so many incredible blessings from opening my heart to my Heavenly Father. I know that my dear friend was sent to me for a reason. Without him I wouldn't be where I am. I tell him he's an angel. He will always be dear to my heart. Without him I wouldn't have met Katie and Travis Price. Katie and Travis are the most amazing people I've ever met. They are the best blessing I've ever received. I'm so lucky that they opened up their home to me. They helped me get back on the right path as well. Words can't even describe my love for this amazing family. I know what it is to live without the gospel and I know what it is to live with the gospel. Life without the gospel is no life at all. I have lost friends for making these changes, but I've gained new ones. I know who I am and what I want. I know where I'm going in life and I have faith in Heavenly Father and I know that he has a plan for me and that everything works out how it should. Every person needs to go through trials. Giving my burdens to Heavenly Father is the only way I can gracefully make it through any trial. He gives me peace. He gives me strength. He gives me hope. He gives patience. It doesn't take the pain away but knowing that everything is going to be okay and that I'm not alone makes it that much easier. I know that the atonement is real. I know that Jesus Christ suffered for me, so I could be forgiven. I know he feels what I'm feeling. I know he knows me inside and out. I know that I wouldn't be where I am without my savior. I am the luckiest girl in the world. I know I wont always understand why things happen. I have to have faith that it is all happening for a reason.
If second, third, or fourth chances weren't an option.... I wouldn't be where I am today. I am so grateful that we have such a merciful, forgiving, loving Father in Heaven. He is my everything. I'm not confused anymore. I'm not lost. I know who I am. I know what makes me happy. I know what I want from this life and what I deserve. I know that I'm a daughter of our Heavenly Father and I know that he didn't give up on me for a reason. I love him with all of my heart.
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